
December 29, 2022

A company with no database strategy is like a chef with an empty pantry. You might get by for a while with a couple of spices, but when the database has been depleted of all its resources, that's when you need an actual strategy. You would want to keep reading to avoid these unpleasant situations in your IT organization.

Cloud-native database systems' Challenges and Opportunities

Cloud-native database systems are the natural evolution of legacy database systems, providing various opportunities such as scale, adaptability, and higher availability. However, the cloud-native database market has changed dramatically in the last year. As a result, CIOs are starting to experience roadblocks as they migrate their businesses toward cloud-native database systems. 

Since IT is a rapidly changing world, CIOs must stay up-to-date with the latest trends and tools to stay on top of the game. In the Virtual Council, when asked about the biggest challenge faced by his company in its digital transformation journey, Janos Hajagos, Chief of Data Analytics at Stony Brook Medicine, pointed out the lack of support for legacy systems. 

The list below shows some of the biggest challenges faced by organizations during their migration toward the cloud:

  • Lack of SQL Support: The first thing we lose is full SQL functionality while moving to cloud-native database systems. Without that SQL layer, you would have to rewrite your program at a significant cost that is often not justified.
  • Consistency and Isolated Transactions: To handle dirty reads and conflicting writes scenarios, NoSQL databases can not promise you'll obtain consistent results. Once more, implementing this logic within your application will complicate your migration.
  • Restricted Data Locations: When it comes to protecting consumer data, not only do laws such as GDPR apply, but it's also crucial to keep it near the point of access from a simple, practical aspect. This necessitates the capacity to set guidelines for the placement of records logically.

Application modernization process

The application modernization process is a key part of the cloud native journey. It's critical to avoid going down the wrong path and ending up with a hybrid system that doesn't scale as well as it should. This process aims to ensure that your applications will run seamlessly in the cloud without any performance or security issues.

A useful application modernization process must involve the following steps as described by Stan Drapkin (Chief Cloud Technologist) and Jeff Westernhaver (Sr Account Manager) from EPAM Systems:

  1. Determine if there is a need for cloud-based IT services in your organization.
  2. Determine the scope of your application modernization project.
  3. Identify the resources needed to complete the project and budget accordingly.
  4. Choose an application modernization vendor that best meets your needs.

In conclusion, CIOs must take a step back and look at what's changing in technology to ensure they're prepared for the change in development environments. They must identify areas of risk, cost, and complexity that may be held over from the on-premise environment; evaluate cloud-native database system solutions; review their clients, partner, and developer training pipelines, must assess what they need as a business to move forward.

C-Vision International will continue to bring together ambitious technology experts in search of the most recent foresight into the future. Keep an eye on future C-Vision events to get insights on the latest technological advancements which will help you sustain your organization in the rapidly changing world of IT.

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