Munish Khaneja M.D.
CareAbout Health
Think Tank Speaker
Think Tank - 2024 March 26 Healthcare TT NYC
Dr. Munish Khaneja is the Chief Physician Officer of CareAbout. Prior to joining CareAbout, Dr. Khaneja served as the Chief Medical Officer of Altruista Health, Inc., where he oversaw clinical strategy and innovation across all products and services. Prior to Altruista, Dr. Khaneja served as Vice President of Clinical Effectiveness and Pharmacy at EmblemHealth, where he was the Corporate Clinical Lead for Population Health and Value Based Purchasing, managing a $6 billion medical + pharmacy spend. Dr. Khaneja has served as the SVP and Chief Medical Officer of Affinity Health Plan and prior to that, as the CMO of Greater Hudson Valley Health Center (now Cornerstone Health). Dr. Khaneja’s clinical experience was also a Hospitalist at Kings County Health Center in Brooklyn, New York. Dr. Khaneja presently maintains academic affiliation as an Assistant Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics at SUNY Downstate and SUNY Stony Brook Colleges of Medicine. He is a board member and advisor to numerous national organizations and corporations, and is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians.
Dr. Khaneja graduated Summa Cum Laude with a B.S. in Chemistry from Brooklyn College. He holds his M.D. from the SUNY Downstate College of Medicine. In addition, Dr. Khaneja holds his Masters in Public Health from the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University. He is trained in Internal Medicine and General Pediatrics, is a board-certified internist, and is certified in Medical and Healthcare Informatics.