Benjamin Goldsteen
North Star Outcomes
Think Tank Speaker
Think Tank - 2024 March 26 Healthcare TT NYC
Benjamin Goldsteen earned his master’s degree from Columbia Business School in New York, and has over 10 years of experience as an innovator in health care and life sciences organizations. While working at one of the largest consulting firms in the world, he led multiple strategy and performance-improvement engagements for health care clients across the United States from assessment through implementation. Subsequently he served as Chief Analytics Officer of a division dedicated to driving transformation across the largest municipal health care system in the United States, and supported Elmhurst Hospital during the initial wave of the pandemic in 2020 as well as COVID-19 vaccination efforts in underserved communities across New York City as the vaccine became available. He recently started a company to develop new analytics products and services for health systems especially related to success under value-based payment models. He is highly knowledgeable about the health care system and the policies that impact it.