Testing the Limits of Possibility

CIO Dinner

May 18, 2023 - San Francisco, CA
May 18, 2023


All times Pacific Time

6:00 PM-9:30 PM

Testing the Limits of Possibility

We are at the ground floor of a new innovation curve—the breakthrough of modern AI—that blows past previous limits of what’s possible to build with software. This, coupled with its overlap with the mobile revolution, create an unprecedented moment, and software leaders must build a new set of practices around software development to embrace exponential increases in innovation, but without sacrificing the quality of customer experience that’s table stakes in a post-mobile world.

During this dinner we will discuss these two overlapping innovation cycles to document and explore the convergence of consumer expectations, digital transformation, and innovation in artificial intelligence. Culminating in a “call to arms,” a rally cry, for other executives across all industries and categories to think hard about their software development philosophy and how they will deliver quality customer experiences in an uncharted environment, or suffer the consequences of irrelevance.

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